Monday, May 10, 2010

The Letter P

Preschool Teacher: Who can tell me what sound the letter P makes?

Preschool Student: It's the sound you make when you really have to pee!

And so concluded my year at FranDelja.

After the hour and a half commutes (each way) and the walks in some less than friendly streets, today marked my final day of the semester in the Bayview. It's been a trying year over at this location as many of the personalities of the children are reflections of their harsher home lives. But a time of a lot of laughter and enjoyment as well. While their favorite activity will always be pretending to be different animals with the sole goal of covering me in "mud" (because they love when I pretend to be upset about it), we've also shared some wonderful educational moments as well. Today before my theatre class I had the privilege of overhearing the conversation above. After my own personal laugh, I chimed in, "and another word that starts with 'P' is play!"

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